A note on ‘Toward a stochastic parameterization of ocean mesoscale eddies’


Porta Mana and Zanna (2014) recently proposed a subgrid-scale parameterization for eddy-permitting quasigeostrophic models. In this model the large-scale fluid is represented as a non-Newtonian viscoelastic medium, with a subgrid-stress closure that involves the Lagrangian derivative of large-scale quantities. This note derives this parameterization, including the nondimensional proportionality coefficient, using only two statistical assumptions: that the subgrid-scale term is locally homogeneous and decorrelates rapidly in space. The parameterization is then verified by comparing against eddy-resolving quasigeostrophic simulations, independently reproducing the results of Porta Mana and Zanna in a simpler model.

Oc. Modelling, 113, 30-33
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Laure Zanna
Laure Zanna
Professor of Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science [She/Her]

My research interests include Climate Dynamics, Physical Oceanography and Data Science.